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Native American Studies: Education

A guide for a variety of Native American topics.


What are the current statistics related to Native American students?

According to the Census' American Community Survey from 202216.8% of Native Americans have earned a Bachelor's degree. In Fall 2021, Native American students made up 0.7% of all postsecondary enrollment. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, Native students perform 2-3 grade levels below their white peers in reading and math. They are over 200% more likely than white students to be expelled or drop out of school. If you are a Native student, you can help change these statistics!

What opportunities exist for Native Americans in higher education?

Native Americans can attend a tribal college, public university, private university, or community college. Many colleges offer free or reduced tuition to Native American students. Natives may also receive financial aid, scholarships, or grants through their tribes. Some colleges have departments that support Native American students during their time in college. 


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