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Writing & Citing Guide (AIC)


Grammarly is a learning tool that works one-on-one with a student to develop writing skills, reinforce proper revision habits, and prevent plagiarism. Grammarly's premium version is available for free to all AIC students who are currently enrolled in classes! Check your Lionmail for a Grammarly invitation or email for information on accessing your account.

Once your account is activated, Grammarly can be integrated with a number of services including Google Chrome, Microsoft Word, and even Microsoft Outlook! With integration, Grammarly can give you real-time suggestions on changes to spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Even if you choose not to integrate, you can still visit Grammarly to load all of your text into their writing tool which will check the same areas of concern for most writers.

For more information on how to use Grammarly, you can visit Grammarly's support page (see link below) which has in-depth tutorials on every aspect of their services, including how to 

Need Help?

If you need help with accessing or operating your Grammarly account, you can visit the Distance Education office (in the same building as the bookstore), call 972-825-4773, or email