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Interlibrary Loan

Nelson University students, staff, and faculty may borrow materials from other libraries through Interlibrary Loan for free. You may request books, articles from periodicals, theses, and dissertations. Physical items (like books) typically arrive in one (1) to two (2) weeks; digital items (like articles) typically arrive within two (2) to seven (7) days.

Once you discover a resource that you would like from another library, there are several ways to request it:

  1. In Nelson Discovery, click the "Request Item through Interlibrary Loan" button and enter your information
  2. In (most) Nelson databases, select the "Request Item through Interlibrary Loan" button and enter your information
  3. Email the abstract/bibliographic information directly from a database. Send your request to and make sure to include your Nelson email address in the comment field.
  4. Fill out this form.

We will process the request as quickly as possible and will email you when the item has arrived or if we need more information to process your request.

Nelson University does not charge patrons to borrow materials. Borrowers are responsible for overdue charges, as well as replacement costs for lost books.


The Nelson Memorial Library participates in two reciprocal borrowing programs, available to all students, staff, and faculty at Nelson University: TexShare and the Association of Christian Librarians. 

TexShare: This program allows users to borrow items from almost all Texas libraries free of charge (each library sets their own policy for how many items users may check out). This is especially useful for Distance Education students residing in or near Texas who can easily drive to a nearby university library, for example; the TexShare card enables the student to checkout books from that university library where they normally could not. Users interested in obtaining a TexShare card may contact, or by phone at 972.825.4766. 

Association of Christian Librarians (ACL): The ACL Reciprocal Borrowing Program is made up of 59 participating libraries across the continental United States (as of 2/14/2018). Like the TexShare program, the ACL program allows users to borrow materials from other ACL libraries free of charge. You may see the entire list of participating libraries here. Of specific relevance to students residing near Nelson University's Waxahachie campus, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth and the Paul Quinn College in Dallas participate in this program. Nelson users could check out materials directly from either of these libraries without having to go through our Interlibrary Loan program. Users interested in obtaining an ACL card may contact, or by phone at 972.825.4766


The Nelson Memorial Library (Waxahachie campus) is happy to transfer any of our books to the Dorothy Cummings Memorial Library (AIC campus) for Nelson University's AIC students to check out. Contact Keilah Coverstone in person at the Dorothy Cummings Memorial Library, or by email at You can search the Nelson Memorial Library's books in our catalog.


Each semester the library employs Library Assistants, made up of Federal Work Studies and Student Workers. Students interested in working in the library should contact stating your interest. Positions are typically filled by the first day of classes; hiring preference is given to early applicants (i.e., applications received before commencement of the previous semester).

Graduate students are strongly encouraged to apply! 


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