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Off-Campus Access

Accessing digital resources off-campus requires an extra step to verify you are a Nelson student, staff, or faculty member. 

Begin by selecting the digital material you wish to access, like from one of these:

Database A-Z List          OR         Subject Guides          OR          Nelson Discovery

(Not sure where to begin your research? Ask a Librarian:

Enter your Blackboard/Lionmail credentials

Almost all library resources require you to login using the same username/password you use to access Blackboard or Lionmail. Your username is usually your first name, middle initial, and last name: johnedoe. Your password is unique to you. 

EZproxy login

Enjoy your resources!

That's it! You should now be able to utilize library resources. Some databases may require you to create a free account with them in order to download eBooks (like EBSCO). This is a separate account from your library account. 


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