The SBL Handbook of Style offers two extensive lists of abbreviations for journals, series, and other standard reference works. The first abbreviation list is alphabetized by source (SBLHS 8.4.1) and the second by abbreviation (SBLHS 8.4.2). If the work cited is in these lists, you may use the standard abbreviation provided.
Note that both lists italicize abbreviations of journal titles and abbreviations based on book titles (e.g., JBL, COS), but do not italicize the abbreviations of book series (e.g., WGRW, JSOTSup) or abbreviations based on personal names (e.g., BAGD, BDB). If a work is not included in the abbreviation lists of SBLHS or some other authoritative resource (e.g., IATG, CAD), use complete titles throughout or include a list of additional abbreviations on a separate page at the beginning of the paper (after the title page and before the main text). A partial list of abbreviations is included at the end of this style guide.
Abbreviations follow the format recommended by the Society of Biblical Literature
Name | Abbreviation |
Genesis | Gen |
Exodus | Exod |
Leviticus | Lev |
Numbers | Num |
Deuteronomy | Deut |
Joshua | Josh |
Judges | Judg |
Ruth | Ruth |
1-2 Samuel | 1-2 Sam |
1-2 Kings | 1-2 Kgs |
1-2 Chronicles | 1-2 Chr |
Ezra | Ezra |
Nehemiah | Neh |
Esther | Esth |
Job | Job |
Psalms | Ps/Pss |
Proverbs | Prov |
Ecclesiastes | Eccl/Qoh |
Song of Songs/Solomon | Song/Cant |
Isaiah | Isa |
Jeremiah | Jer |
Lamentations | Lam |
Ezekiel | Ezek |
Daniel | Dan |
Hosea | Hos |
Joel | Joel |
Amos | Amos |
Obadiah | Obad |
Jonah | Jonah |
Micah | Mic |
Nahum | Nah |
Habakkuk | Hab |
Zephaniah | Zeph |
Haggai | Hag |
Zechariah | Zech |
Malachi | Mal |
Name | Abbreviation |
Matthew | Matt |
Mark | Mark |
Luke | Luke |
John | John |
Acts | Acts |
Romans | Rom |
1-2 Corinthians | 1-2 Cor |
Galatians | Gal |
Ephesians | Eph |
Philippians | Phil |
Colossians | Col |
1-2 Thessalonians | 1-2 Thess |
1-2 Timothy | 1-2 Tim |
Titus | Titus |
Philemon | Phlm |
Hebrews | Heb |
James | Jas |
1-2 Peter | 1-2 Pet |
1-3 John | 1-3 John |
Jude | Jude |
Revelation | Rev |
Amplified Bible | AMP |
American Standard Version | ASV |
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Hebrew Bible) | BHS |
Common English Bible | CEB |
Contemporary English Version | CEV |
Christian Standard Bible | CSB |
English Standard Version | ESV |
Good News Bible | GNB |
Holman Christian Standard Bbile | HCSB |
Jerusalem Bible | JB |
King James Version | KJV |
Living Bible | LB |
Lexham English Bible | LEB |
Septuagint (Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible) | LXX |
Modern Language Bible | MLB |
New Testament: A New Translation, James Moffatt | MOFFATT |
Message | MSG |
Masoretic Text | MT |
Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, 28th Edition | NA28 |
New American Bible, Revised Edition | NASR |
New American Standard Bible | NASB |
New American Version | NAV |
New Century Version | NCV |
New English Bible | NET |
New English Translation of the Septuagint | NETS |
New International Reader's Version | NIrV |
New International Version | NIV |
New Jerusalem Bible | NJB |
Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures: The New JPS Translation | NJPS |
New King James Version | NKJV |
New Living Translation | NLT |
New Revised Standard Version | NRSV |
New Testament in Modern English, J.B. Phillips | PHILLIPS |
Revised English Bible | REB |
Revised Standard Version | RSV |
Today's English Version (also known as Good News Bible) | TEV |
Today's Living Bible | TLB |
Today's New International Version | TNIV |
Vulgate | VUL |
World English Bible | WEB |
New Testament in Modern Speech, R. F. Weymouth | WEYMOUTH |
Young's Literal Translation | YLT |
The following is only a partial list of abbreviations for journals. See the SBL Handbook of Style for a more complete list.
African Journal of Evangelical Theology | AJET |
Asbury Theological Journal | AsTJ |
Asia Journal of Theology | AJT |
Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies | AJPS |
Biblica | Bib |
Biblical Archaeology Review | BAR |
Biblical Theology Bulletin | BTB |
Bibliotheca Sacra | BSas |
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research | BASOR |
Calvin Theological Journal | CTJ |
Catholic Biblical Quarterly | CBQ |
Church History | CH |
European Journal of Theology | EuroJTh |
Harvard Theological Review | HTR |
Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel | HeBAI |
Horizons in Biblical Theology | HBT |
Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology | Int |
Journal for the Study of the New Testament | JSNT |
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament | JSOT |
Journal of Biblical and Pneumatological Research | JBPR |
Journal of Biblical Literature | JBL |
Journal of Early Christian Studies | JECS |
Journal of Pentecostal Theology | JPS |
Journal of the Evangelical theological Society | JETS |
Journal fo the Jesus Movement in Its Jewish Setting | JJMJS |
Journal of Religious Ethics | JORE |
Near Eastern Archaeology | NEA |
New Testament Studies | NTS |
Novum Testamentum | NovT |
Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies | Pneuma |
Scottish Journal of Theology | SJT |
Southern Baptist Journal of Theology | SBJT |
Southwestern Journal of Theology | SWJT |
Trinity Journal | TJ |
Westminster Theological Journal | WTJ |
The following is only a partial list of abbreviations for commentaries. See the SBL Handbook of Style for a more complete list.
Abingdon New Testament Commentaries | ANTC |
Abingdon Old Testament Commentaries | AOTC |
Anchor Bible (or Anchor Yale Bible) | AB (or AYBC) |
Ancient Christian Commentary Series | ACCS |
Apollos Old Testament Commentary | ApOTC |
Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament | ACNT |
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the NT | BECNT |
Bible Knowledge Commentary | BKC |
Bible Speaks Today | BST |
Black's New Testament Commentaries | BNTC |
Brazos Theological Commentaries | BTC |
Eerdmans Critical Commentary | ECC |
Expositor's Bible Commentary (and revised version) | EBC (or REBC) |
Hermeneia | Hermeneia |
International Critical Commentary | ICC |
Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Preaching and Teaching | IBC |
IVP New Testament Commentary | IVPNTC |
Keil and Delitzsch Commentary | K&D |
New American Commentary | NAC |
New Cambridge Bible Commentary | NCBC |
New Century Bible | NCB |
New International Biblical Commentary on the NT | NIBCNT |
New International Biblical Commentary on the OT | NIBCOT |
New International Commentary on the NT | NICNT |
New International Commentary on the OT | NICOT |
New International Greek Testament Commentary | NIGTC |
New Interpreter's Bible | NIB |
New Jerome Bible Commentary | NJBC |
New Testament Library | NTL |
NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC |
Old Testament Library | OTL |
Paideia Commentaries on the New Testament | PCNT |
Pillar New Testament Commentary | PNTC |
Socio-Rhetorical Commentary | SRC |
Tyndale New Testament Commentaries | TNTC |
Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries | TOTC |
Word Biblical Commentary | WBC |
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament | ZECNT |
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament | ZECOT |
Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary | ZIBBC |
The following is only a partial list of abbreviations for publishing houses. For a full explanation of the proper way to cite publishers, see the Society of Biblical Literature Handbook of Style, 2nd edition, section 6.1.4.
The left column in the following list includes the full publishing house names, followed in parentheses by the main city or cities where they are located. Cities in the list that are followed by their state abbreviation will require that state abbreviation in the footnotes and bibliography of your papers.
The right column in the following list shows how the publishers should be cited in the footnotes and bibliography. The city is always required, followed by a colon, followed by the standardized name of the publishing company. When citing a publishing house, only use the first city that is listed in title page or copyright page of the actual book you used. Do not include terms such as "Press," "Publisher," or "Publishing House" in your citations unless that part of the publisher's name is required to avoid ambiguity from similarly-named publishing houses. Note that publishers such as Eerdmans, InterVarsity, and de Gruyter follow particular standardized rules.
Abingdon (Nashville; New York) | Nashville: Abingdon |
Apollos (Leicester) | Leicester: Apollos |
Augsburg (Minneapolis) | Minneapolis: Augsburg |
Augsburg Fortress (Minneapolis) | Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress |
Baker Academic (Grand Rapids) | Grand Rapids: Baker Academic |
Baker Books (Grand Rapids) | Grand Rapids: Baker Books |
Baylor University Press (Waco, TX) | Waco, TX: Baylor University Press |
Bloomsbury (London; New Delhi; New York; Sydney) | London: Bloomsbury |
Brazos (Grand Rapids) | Grand Rapids: Brazos |
Brill (Leiden; Boston) | Leiden: Brill |
Cambridge University Press (Cambridge: New York) | Cambridge: Cambridge University Press |
Cascade (Eugene, OR) | Eugene, OR: Cascade |
Crossway (Wheaton, IL) | Wheaton, IL: Crossway |
de Gruyter (Berlin) | Berlin: de Gruyter |
Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft (Stuttgart) | Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft |
Doubleday (Garden City, NY; New York) | New York: Doubleday |
Eerdmans (Grand Rapids) | Grand Rapids: Eerdmans |
E. J. Brill (see Brill, above) | |
Fortress (Philadelphia) | Philadelphia: Fortress |
Harper & Row (New York; San Francisco) | New York: Harper & Row |
HarperCollins (New York: San Francisco) | New York: HarperCollins |
HarperOne (San Francisco) | San Francisco: HarperOne |
Harvard University Press (Cambridge) | Cambridge: Harvard University Press |
Hendrickson (Peabody, MA) | Peabody, MA: Hendrickson |
InterVarsity Press (Downers Grove, IL) | Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity |
Inter-Varsity Press (Leicester; London) | London: Inter-Varsity |
John Knox (Atlanta; Richmond, VA) | Atlanta: John Knox |
Kregel (Grand Rapids) | Grand Rapids: Kregel |
Mercer University Press (Macon, GA) | Macon, GA: Mercer University Press |
Mohr Siebeck (Tübingen) | Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck |
Nelson (Nashville; London) | Nashville: Nelson |
Orbis Books (Maryknoll, NY) | Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books |
Oxford University Press (Oxford; London; New York) | Oxford: Oxford University Press |
Paternoster (Exeter; Milton Keynes) | Exeter: Paternoster |
Paulist (New York: Mahwah, NJ) | New York: Paulist |
Peeters (Leuven) | Leuven: Peeters |
Penguin Books (Harmondsworth; London) | London: Penguin Books |
Pickwick (Pittsburgh; Eugene, OR) | Pittsburgh: Pickwick |
Prentice Hall (Englewood Cliffs, NJ; Upper Saddle River, NJ) | Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall |
Princeton University Press (Princeton) | Princeton: Princeton University Press |
Rowman & Littlefield (Lanham, MD) | Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield |
SBL Press (Atlanta) | Atlanta: SBL Press |
Scholars Press (Missoula, MT; Chico, CA; Atlanta) | Atlanta: Scholars Press |
SCM (London) | London: SCM |
Scribner’s Sons (New York) | New York: Scribner's Sons |
Sheffield Academic (Sheffield) | Sheffield: Sheffield Academic |
Sheffield Phoenix (Sheffield) | Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix |
SIL International (Dallas) | Dallas: SIL International |
Smyth & Helwys (Macon, GA) | Macon, GA: Smyth & Helwys |
Society of Biblical Literature (Atlanta) | Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature |
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (see SPCK) | |
SPCK (London) | London: SPCK |
T&T Clark (Edinburgh; London; New York) | New York: T&T Clark |
Thomas Nelson (see Nelson, above) | |
Tyndale House (Carol Stream, IL) | Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House |
Tyndale Press (London) | London: Tyndale Press |
United Bible Societies (London; New York; Stuttgart) | New York: United Bible Societies |
Walter de Gruyter (see de Gruyter) | |
Westminster (Philadelphia) | Philadelphia: Westminster |
Westminster John Knox (Louisville) | Louisville: Westminster John Knox |
Wiley & Sons (New York) | New York: Wiley & Sons |
Wiley-Blackwell (Malden, MA; Chichester) | Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell |
William B. Eerdmans (see Eerdmans, above) | |
Wm. B. Eerdmans (see Eerdmans, above) | |
Wipf & Stock (Eugene, OR) | Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock |
Word (Waco, TX; Dallas; Nashville) | Dallas: Word |
Yale University Press (New Haven) | New Haven: Yale University Press |
Zondervan (Grand Rapids) | Grand Rapids: Zondervan |