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GOV2213 National & State Government: Resources

A course guide for students enrolled in National and State Government at Southwestern Assemblies of God University in Waxahachie, Texas

WorldCat Discovery

Nelson Discovery    


Course Description

An analysis of national, state, and local government in the United States. Study is made of the Articles of Confederation, the Federal Constitution, the national party system, the departments of government, and other areas pertaining to national government. Histories of states governments and constitutions are examined, with special emphasis upon the Constitution of the State of Texas. The state legislature, the governor and
state administration, the state court system, local government, local government problems, and other state and local issues are analyzed.

Subject Specific Databases

General Research Databases

Director of Library Services

Profile Photo
Kristy Teague
Nelson Memorial Library
1200 Sycamore St.
Waxahachie, TX 75165